Social Media Strategies To Help Cope With COVID-19


Undeniably, we are presently going through devastating times, and at times like these, marketing brands struggle with what to do next, specifically on social media. Do you continue with your old strategy and just pretend that there’s nothing wrong? Of course not! Do you limit your posts to only those that are coronavirus-related? Perhaps not.

We can’t decide for you, but we can provide you with a guide that might help you strike the correct tone for your marketing brand and your audience as well. We will give you some tips, questions, and suggestions to help you decide which social media strategies would be suitable for your brand in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak.

What is the importance of social media during these times?

  • The eMarketer reports that Facebook reached up to a 70% increase in apps usage for the month of March. This means that since the pandemic began, more and more people started to turn to these applications for entertainment, information, and keeping in touch with family and friends while they were stuck at home.
  • The audience chooses various channels to search for exciting content. For example, Snapchat and TikTok have become the new sources of entertainment and distraction from the stress and anxiety caused by the pandemic.
  • A lot of marketers are cost-cutting in almost all areas of marketing, and this includes social media. However, email and other forms of social media are still being utilized for brand improvement and customer engagement.

If you are willing to explore the new world of marketing and social media, here’s a list of tips that you can read and be guided with.


Focus On Them More, Not On You.

Yes, you are a business looking to earn to survive. We’re not saying you forget that completely. It’s that the global crisis is not the best time to push on your key performance indicators. Evaluate what success is now and modify your old approach. Remember these.

Then: You calculate and make a report on the essential metrics monthly and yearly.

Now: That’s still not going to give you complete details. You can report it the same way you did, but now present it along with the comments, non-KPI testimonials, and the red flags.

Then: ROI is the top priority.

Now: It is, of course, important, but shares, likes, positive comments, and engagement measures are better priorities now since people these days can’t buy everything that they want.

Know And Understand Your Audience.

This has been and always will be a crucial piece of a marketing strategy for all seasons and crises. Marketing, for the most part, depends on empathy, which subsequently depends on understanding the audience that you’re trying to communicate with.

If you think you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, you might want to ignore this tip saying, “I already know my audience.” Perhaps, but do you think you know them now, in this outbreak? Could there be more customer opportunities that you haven’t thought of that you could consider now?

Gather basic details. Collect essential data like age, gender, location, income status, and others. Then once you have these data, ask yourself what you’re going to do next. Forget about what you used to do. Now, think about fresh ideas on how to capture your audience that has pivoted since the outbreak. Adapt to the changes to meet the needs of your audience.

This comprehensive knowledge of your audience will kickstart the tone for whatever you do next during a global crisis like coronavirus and beyond that. The bonds that you establish successfully knowing and capturing your customers’ hearts will last long after the outbreak has subsided.


Expect The Unexpected.

Nobody can ever give you a precise forecast of what the future will be for marketers and their brands. All we know is that this pandemic will end in due course and that right now, there is a lot of ambiguity on a lot of fronts. Thus, we cannot plan our future as we have before these circumstances. We must be careful and take slow but sure approaches to adapt to what beholds tomorrow. Today is a good day to start.




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